Monday, October 16, 2006

Rainy Days

It is another rainy day in south Louisiana. I really wanted to go to work today. Work is good for keeping the mind busy and staying at home, well not so good. It seems as if it has been raining a lot lately. There is one thing about the rain that will always remain true. It is always raining. Some times I enjoy the showers, they are refreshing and revive me. Other times I become totally engulfed by the storm and feel like I am drowning. It is in these moments that I see what I am made of. So many times I have wanted to give up and just let the storm take me away. It seems as if there is nothing else I can do. I have fought with all of the strength that I have and I have nothing else to give. I gave it my all, I tried, I really tried. And at that moment I finally realize that there was never anything that "I" could do. With my last breath I finally cry out to You and rely on Your strength to pull me through... and You do. How can You love me so much to keep coming back to me even after I betray You time and time again. You are awesome, I will praise You forever. Thanks for reminding me that it is not about me again.


Wednesday, October 04, 2006

New Job

Thanks everyone so much for your prayers. I started a new old job yesterday. I am working for David Plunkett again. He is an awesome man of God to work for and things are brightening up all ready. It still isn't what I fell called to do but at least the environment is better and I do like the experience. The first day was interesting to say the least but that is a new post all on its own.