Monday, September 25, 2006

Tonights Prayer "Tired"

This weekend you gave me the opportunity to lead worship at a Jr. high retreat. I had a blast, it was like I was doing what I am created to do. I love working with youth, it just brings me joy. But now back to reality. I had to go back to work this morning, at my "real job". I hated it. All day long I just wanted to leave and never go back. I am so tired of working because I have to pay the bills. When can I work because I love it again. I miss those days so much. I know I am the one that screwed it up. Please give me away to be happy at work again, no matter what I am doing.


Thursday, September 14, 2006

You are Loved

Oh my precious Janna. How do you know you are loved? It's simple, just look around you.

Fun on the Lake

While we were in Newellton dove hunting we stayed on Lake Bruin. Every year whe we go we spend our free time playing in the lake. This year was one of the best, because the lake was about five feet normal than average. We had an extra five feet to fly before we hit the water. Yea!!!

It's Finally Here!!! (Scott)

Dove hunting has been a BLAST this year. Here is some of the pics from our adventure.

P.S. if you don't like seeing dead animals do not scroll down. If you are like me and see your next meal instead of a dead animal tham please proceed.

MMMmmmm they tasted so good. So for we have all ready have had pot roasted dove and bacon rapped dove. So good! I would have included those pics to, but we ate it to fast

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Coming soon

The long awaited pictures from the dove hunt are coming soon. Unfortunately, me and Jessica did not take all the pictures with our camera so I have to gather them up from my mom and Scott. But I promise I will get them up soon. For now here is a picture of the most beautiful little girl in the world. At least me and Jessica think so. I love those baby blue eyes.