Saturday, August 19, 2006

Happy Birthday To Me!!!

Setember 2nd is quickly aproaching and I am ready this year more than ever. Not only will I be turning 25 and get yet another drop on my car insurance, my birday falls on a Saturday this year. And not just any Saturday...Oh no. It is the grandest Saturday off them all. Can you guess why? No, not because it is labor day weekend. No, I will not finally grow up this year. Can you say opening day of hunting season 06'. That's right, doves be ware. The great white hunter is coming for ya!


Anonymous said...

can i just pitch a tent and stay in the back yard?

Justin said...

We can sleep on the pier for all I care, but you know how papa bear is

any word from Kristen?

Anonymous said...

nothing yet. i guess i can call again today. i am going to ask to rent her camp from her. it would be just you, jessica, janna, amanda and i staying there? or just amanda and i?

Justin said...

Sounds great.

Me and Jess would love to stay over there.

Johnny E! said...

Dude, you gotta get your dad to get with me and my dad, and plan a trip to argentina for some dove hunting! DUDE! OUT OF THIS WORLD! I know that Gregg (Erica's Husband) and Fritch are down. Let me know!

Justin said...

That would be righteous. Have ya'll all ready planned a trip this year.

Johnny E! said...

Nope, I gotta figure out who would want to go, I know fritch is in, and then see if there are some of my dad's friends, but the more the merrier. It is a bit pricy though. It would be a guys week, but well worth it. Oh by the way, YADTHRIB YPPAH!