Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Hunting Season

I know I haven't posted much through out the past couple of months, but that is how summer goes for me, but know that it is hunting season you can expect to see more from me. But before I get into posting a bunch of dead things through out the season I wanted to sit down and really think about why I love hunting so much. For starters it's a blast (no pun intended) and it keeps the freezer full. I don't even want to imagine how much the grocery bill would be without having our freezer stocked with game. Second, it's my heritage. I come from a line of outdoorsman, my great grandfathers taught their sons, just like my grandfather and father taught me. I killed my first deer when I was 6 years old. You can say I had an early start. And lastly are the memories and good times. Some years we harvest a lot of animals and some years, well not so much, but we always have a good time. Some of my favorite times are just sitting around drinking coffee listening to my grandfather tell stories from his amazing life. It doesn't matter if I have heard the story a thousands times before I still love to just sit and listen. So Papa this post goes out to you. I know you don't get on the internet, but thank you for passing your heritage on to my father and his sons. I will never forget all of the awesome adventures we had together. I can't wait until I get to pass on the knowledge you gave me to my children. I am looking forward to the many cups of coffee to come this hunting season. See you at the camp.


Johnny E! said...

you know you could post other stuff other than hunting. I know novel cocept huh!